BindingTileCommand Constructor
Initializes a new dundas.BindingTileCommand.
- options
Type: Object
(optional) Defaults for this command. Expected:
caption - (String) the caption for the command.
description - (optional) the description for the command.
metricSetBinding - (dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding) the metric set binding this command is for.
binding - (dundas.view.controls.Binding) the optional binding.
metricSet - (dundas.entities.MetricSet) the metric set.
element - ( the element from the metric set.
adapter - (dundas.view.controls.Adapter) the adapter.
isAddOnly - (Boolean) indicates whether this tile is only for adding a new element. If so, options such as dragging will not be enabled.
isEditDisabled - (Boolean) indicates whether this tile doesn't allow editing
imageUrl - (String) what is this?
source - (Object) the data binding panel or adapter that created this command
Optional: True
The following example initializes a new instance of a BindingTileCommand object:
var newObject = new dundas.BindingTileCommand();