dundas.admin.SystemStatistics Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the SystemStatistics. Called during construction.


  Name Description
applicationCriticalExpiringLicenses Gets or sets the number of expiring licenses.
applicationDatabaseConnectionString Gets or sets the applications database connection string.
applicationExpiringLicenses Gets or sets the number of expiring licenses.
applicationHasLicenses Gets or sets the flag used to indicate if the application has any installed licenses.
applicationInvalidLicenses Gets or sets the number of invalid licenses.
applicationLicensedTo Gets or sets the application license to.
applicationLicenseKind Gets or sets the application license kind.
applicationNextExpiringLicense Gets or sets the expiry date of the next expiring license.
applicationPoolIdentity Gets or sets the applications app pool identity.
applicationProcessId Gets or sets the applications process ID.
applicationSchedulerStatusLastSeenTime Gets or sets the applications scheduler status last seen time.
applicationUpdateFound Gets or sets the flag used to indicate if an update was found.
applicationVersion Gets or sets the application version.
currentServerFingerprint Gets or sets the current servers fingerprint.
currentServerGroupName Gets or sets the current servers server group name.
currentServerName Gets or sets the current servers name.
latestVersion Gets or sets the update version found.
latestVersionDownloadUri Gets or sets the update link.
numberOfAccounts Gets or sets the number of accounts.
numberOfActiveServers Gets or sets the number of servers seen in the last 5 minutes.
numberOfActiveSessions Gets or sets the number of active sessions.
numberOfCriticalLogs Gets or sets the number of critical logs in the last 24 hours.
numberOfFailedJobRuns Gets or sets the number of failed job runs in the last 24 hours.
numberOfLogOns Gets or sets the number of logons within the last 24 hours.
numberOfRunningJobs Gets or sets the number of running jobs.
numberOfServerGroups Gets or sets the number of server groups.
numberOfTenants Gets or sets the number of tenants.
warehouseDatabaseConnectionString Gets or sets the applications warehouse database connection string.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.