Canvas Constructor

Attaches a designer control to the specified div container.



Type: HTMLElement
The div container to attach to.

Type: object

     And object containing options.
     scale       [type: Number, default:1] - The initial scale. Range : 0-1
     width       [type: Number, default: 1024] - The width of the initial design background in pixels.
     height      [type: Number, default: 768] - The height of the initial design background in pixels.
     snap        [type: Number, default 10] - The initial snap distance in pixels.
     vision      [type: object] - The initial vision of the canvas designer.
         left        [type:Number, default:0] - The percentage position of the left edge of the vision.
         top         [type: Number, default: 0] - The percentage position of the top edge of the vision.
     designerBackgroundZIndex    [type: Number, default : 0]  - The z-index for the design background.
     ruler       [type: Boolean] - True to turn on the ruler.
     designerPlaygroundZIndex    [type: Number, default : 1] - The z-index for the design playground.
     selectionFramesBaseZIndex      [type: Number, default: 655000] - The z-index of the first the selection frame.
     groupSelectionFramesBaseZIndex  [type: Number, default: 1309000] - The z-index of the first group selection frame.
     selectorSelectionFrameZIndex  [type:Number, default: 1400000] - The z-index of the selector selection frame.
     layerBaseZIndex        [type:Number, default: 1000] - The z-index of the bottom most layer.
     isInViewMode           [type:Boolean, default:false] - Whether or not the canvas is in view mode.
     collapsePlayground     [type: Boolean, default: false] - True to disable any workable area outside the dimension of the dashboard.
     contextContainer       [type: dundas.Container, default: null, mayBeNull: false] - The context container providing the context
     gridTemplateAdornerType [type:Object, default: dundas.controls.GridTemplateAdorner] - The grid template type to use.
     startupTargetModalAdapterId      [type:string, default: null] - The id of the adapter to enter modal view mode into upon loaded