dundas.controls.ChartTypeRadarPoint Class

The radar point chart type class.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
chart Gets the chart this instance is plotting within. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
hasDataChanged Gets a value indicating whether the series assigned to this chart type or their values have changed since the chart was last drawn. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
isYCumulative Gets or sets a value indicating whether this chart type plots data points that each begin along the Y axis where the previous ended, at different X axis positions. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
isYStacked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this chart type stacks data points of different series at the same X axis position on top of previous series along the Y axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
isYStacked100 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this chart type stacks data points of different series at the same X axis position on top of previous series as percentages of the stack total. This value only has an effect if isYStacked returns true. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getCanMissTest Gets a value indicating whether this chart type supports finding the nearest data point to a pixel position when no exact hit test result is found. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsClusteredByDefault Gets a value indicating whether clusters of space around each X axis value should be reserved for the series of this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsClusteredSideBySideByDefault Gets a value indicating whether the series of this chart type should be positioned side-by-side within a cluster without clusterIndex or clusterMapping used on series. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsClusterSingleItem Gets a value indicating whether there is room for only one item per cluster for this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsMarkerHollow Gets a value indicating whether the marker's fill should be omitted and the fill color applied to the stroke instead. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsMarkerPlotPending Gets a value indicating whether the markers for this chart type need to be plotted separately from the data points. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsMarkerPlotted Gets a value indicating that markers should be plotted regardless of marker enabled settings if customized by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsMarkerSupported Gets a value indicating whether this chart type supports displaying markers at the positions of the values returned by getPlottedXValues and getPlottedYValues. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsPaletteAppliedToPoints Gets a value indicating whether the chart's palette is applied in sequence to the points of this chart type's series. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsSeriesConnected Gets a value indicating whether the data points of series are plotted as connected in sequence. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYClustered Gets a value indicating whether the Y axis values are clustered for this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYCumulativeByDefault Gets a value indicating whether by default the data points should each begin where the previous ended regardless of their X axis positions. This value only has an effect if isYStacked returns true. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYRangeSupported Gets a value indicating whether this chart type supports plotting a range between two Y axis positions. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYStacked100ByDefault Gets a value indicating whether by default the data points of different series at the same X axis position should be stacked as percentages of the stack total. This value only has an effect if isYStacked returns true. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYStackedByDefault Gets a value indicating whether by default the data points of different series at the same X axis position should be stacked on top of previous series along the Y axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getIsYStartedFromZero Gets a value indicating whether the Y axis must include zero when this chart type is used to plot data against it. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getKeywordMappings Gets an object with keywords available for this chart type as keys and functions as values that can be called to return keyword values. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getKeywordValue Gets the value for the specified keyword for a data point. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getMarkerHeight Gets the height of the markers in pixels for this data point if customized by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getMarkerShape Gets the shape of the markers in pixels for this data point if customized by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getMarkerWidth Gets the width of the markers in pixels for this data point if customized by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getPlottedXRange Gets the values plotted representing the full range of values for the specified series along the X axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getPlottedXValues Gets the values plotted for this data point along the X axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getPlottedYRange Gets the values plotted representing the full range of values for the specified series along the Y axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getPlottedYValues Gets the values plotted for this data point along the Y axis. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getPointSize Gets the size of a data point in pixels to use for percentage-based size properties. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getProperties Gets an object containing the names of additional properties that can be set on a ChartSeries or applicable ChartPoint when displayed using this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getRoundedMarkerPixels Modifies the plotted marker center and size to round the marker edges. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getXAxisLocation Gets the location of the X axis required by this chart type. Only chart types returning the same value will be compatible. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getXScaleValueCount Gets the number of values passed to the X axis scale by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getXValueCount Gets the number of values plotted against the X axis by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getYAxisLocation Gets the location of the Y axis required by this chart type. Only chart types returning the same value will be compatible. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getYScaleValueCount Gets the number of values passed to the Y axis scale by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
getYValueCount Gets the number of values plotted against the Y axis by this chart type. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
invalidateData Notifies the chart type that the series assigned to it or their values have changed. Inherited from dundas.controls.ChartTypeBase.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.