DataConnectorDialog Constructor

Initializes the DataConnectorDialog. Called during construction.



Type: Object
(optional) The options object for the creation of the dialog. Structure:
     dataConnectorId                                 [type: String]      - (optional) The existing data connector ID that's being edited. If null,
                                                                           then it's assumed it's a new data connector.

     defaultProviderId                               [type: String]      - (optional) The default selected provider when the dialog shows. This only applies
                                                                           for new data connectors.

     waitForDataDiscovery                            [type: Boolean]     - (optional) If set to true, the dialog will not return until data discover has also finished.
                                                                           This might be time consuming so should be used only when the structures are required immediately.
                                                                           This only applies to new data connectors.

     returnProviderParameterValueOverridesOnly       [type: Boolean]     - (optional) A mode to indicate that the data connector is only being shown to gather
                                                                           parameter value overrides for the provider, and return them. For this to be used,
                                                                           the data connector ID must be specified. This will hide the ability to check in
                                                                           and save the actual data connector.

     overrideParameterValues                         [type: Array, elementType:]   - (optional) If returnProviderParameterValueOverridesOnly is set,
                                                                           then default override parameter values can be specified to show in the UI.

     projectId                                       [type: String]      - (optional) The project to use try save this data connector, if not the default one.

     tenantId                                        [type: String]      - (optional) The ID of the tenant that the data connector is associated with.

     disableAutoClose                                [type: Boolean]     - (optional) If set to true, does not close any presently showing dialogs when opening this one.

Optional: True


The following example initializes a new instance of a DataConnectorDialog object:

var newObject = new dundas.controls.DataConnectorDialog();