An object containing options. visualFeedbackTolerance[Type: integer, Default: 80] - Proximity of the dragging dockable for a visual feedback of potential dock. popupUrl [Type: string, Default: null] - The URL used to create the popup for the detached view of the dockable. dockableAreas [Type: Object, Default: null] - The dockable areas dockableAreas. Should have .right and .bottom properties with dockableArea objects. taskbarIconUrl [Type: string, Default: null] - The icon image URL for when the dockable is collapsed to the Taskbar. contextIconUrl [Type: string, Default: null] - The icon image URL for when the dockable is shown in the ContextMenu. visualStateChanged [Type: function (dundas.controls.dockable.visualStates), Default: null] - The handler to execute when the visualState is changed. dockableType [Type: dundas.controls.DockableTypes, Default: dundas.controls.DockableTypes.OTHER] - The type of this dockable. isViewModeDisabled [Type: Boolean, Default: False] - True to disable in Edit move. Used when showing context menu in dockable area. sortOrder [Type: Number, Default: null] - Tab sort order in ascending order. tooltipText [Type: String, Default: null] - The tooltip text for this dockable. If none is provided, the caption is re-used.