dundas.controls.ExplorerNode Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the node. Called during construction. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
childCount Gets the number of children in this instance.
constants Gets the explorer's constants class instance.
contextCommands Gets or sets the contextual commands of this node.
cssClass Gets or sets the CSS class of the node element.
explorer Gets the instance of the explorer that is displaying this node.
filter Gets or sets the filter to use to determine which descendants should be displayed.
hasChildren Gets a value indicating whether this instance has any children.
iconAltText Gets or sets the alt text of this instance's icon image.
iconUrl Gets or sets the url of this instance's icon image.
id Gets or sets the unique Id of this node.
isChecked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is checked.
isCheckEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is able to be checked.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
isDraggable Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not this node is draggable.
isExpanded Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is expanded.
isLoadAsync Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance will load its children asynchronously.
isPaged Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can retrieve its children in pages.
isSelectable Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can be selected.
isSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is selected.
parentNode Gets the parent node of this instance.
showCheckbox Gets or sets a value indicating whether this specific node should show a checkbox. Null is the default value, and means inherit the parent's value.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
text Gets or sets the text of this instance.
tooltip Gets or sets the tooltip text of this instance.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.
utility Gets the explorer's utility class instance.


  Name Description
acceptNode Accepts the specified node as a child with the given drop effect.
addChild Adds a node as a child of this node.
canAcceptNode Determines whether this instance can accept the specified node with a given drop effect.
contains Determines whether this instance or any of its descendants contains the specified node.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose Inherited from dundas.Component.
expandPath Expand the node, along with all the nodes up to the root node.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getById Search for a node by its ID.
getChild Gets the child node at the specified index.
getChildIndex Gets the index of the specified child node.
getChildren Gets an enumerable list of the children nodes.
getChildrenAsync Begins retrieval of the children of this asynchronously loaded node.
getChildrenPage Begins retrieval of the next page of children for this paged node.
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
insertChild Inserts a new child node before an existing child.
invokeCommand Invokes a registered command on this instance.
invokeHotKeyCommand Invokes a registered command from a hot key.
onLoaded Initializes the node once it has been added to a container.
refresh Refreshes the node.
registerCommand Registers a command for this instance.
removeAllChildren Removes all children from this node.
removeChild Removes a child node from this node.
search Search a node. (Breath first search)
sortChildren Sorts the children of this instance by their text.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.