dundas.controls.MapBase Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
areSymbolLinksCurved Gets or sets a value indicating whether symbol links are drawn as curved lines or not.
areTilesEnabled Gets or sets the value indicating whether or not map tiles should be drawn.
background Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
borderBrush Gets or sets the brush used to fill the border around the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
borderRadius Gets or sets the radius in pixels for rounding the corners of the border. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
borderStyle Gets or sets the style of the border around the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
borderWidth Gets or sets the width of the border around the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
canvasService Gets the canvas service associated with this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
columnSequenceSize Gets or sets the maximum number of sequential columns to fetch from the metric set.
container Gets the DOM element this control will render to. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
defaultPathStroke Gets or sets the default fill color for path elements.
defaultPathStrokeWidth Gets or sets the default stroke width for path elements.
defaultShapeFill Gets or sets the default fill color for shape elements.
defaultShapeStroke Gets or sets the default stroke color for shape elements.
defaultShapeStrokeWidth Gets or sets the default stroke width for shape elements.
defaultSymbolFill Gets or sets the default fill color for symbol elements.
defaultSymbolMarkerHeight Gets or sets the default marker shape height.
defaultSymbolMarkerShape Gets or sets the default marker shape for symbols.
defaultSymbolMarkerWidth Gets or sets the default marker shape width.
defaultSymbolStroke Gets or sets the default fill color for symbol elements.
defaultSymbolStrokeWidth Gets or sets the default stroke width for symbol elements.
defaultViewportCenter Gets or sets a value indicating the center point and zoom level to be used as the default viewport, if metric set centering is not being used.
disableMetricSetViewportCentering Gets or sets a value indicating if viewport will be centered over and zoomed into the data displayed when it loads.
fetchOnlyRequestedResources Gets or sets a value indicating if map control only fetches map resources that are explicitly requested.
heatmapStyle Gets or sets the settings used to determine how heatmaps are drawn based on symbol coordinates.
height Gets the current rendered height of the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
id Gets a unique value identifying this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
innerPadding Gets the total padding reserved between the boundaries of the control and its content. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
isAligning Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is currently being aligned. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
isDataChangeAnimated Gets or sets the label settings applied to map symbols.
isDrawPending Gets a value indicating whether the control is about to re-draw. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
isPanningEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating if panning is enabled.
isSymbolAutoScalingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating if symbols are maintained at a fixed size while surrounding shapes are scaled when zooming in or out.
isZoomingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating if zooming is enabled.
lastFetchMapsPromise Gets a promise object that will resolve when the most recent triggering of a request for map or diagram resource data completes.
legend Gets or sets the legend used by this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
legendId Gets or sets the ID of the legend hooked to this control.
maximumZoom Gets or sets the maximum allowed zoom level or scaling factor.
minimumZoom Gets or sets the minimum allowed zoom level or scaling factor.
navigationPanel Gets or sets the object that represents the navigation panel.
padding Gets or sets the padding reserved between the boundaries of the control and its content. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
pathCollection Gets or sets the list of paths currently displayed on the map control.
pathColorRules Gets or sets the list of color rules that will be applied to map paths.
pathLabelSettings Gets or sets the label settings applied to map paths.
pathSizeRules Gets or sets the list of size rules that will be applied to map paths.
pathStateStyles Gets or sets the list of path state styles for this control.
pathTooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip text for paths. Tooltip text can contain keywords that will be mapped to string before displaying it.
projection Gets the projection that will be used to display maps or diagrams. Projection object value depends on projectionType property.
projectionType Gets or sets the type of projection used to lay out map coordinates.
requestedMapIds Gets or sets an object containing map resource information that will be requested from the server.
rowSequenceSize Gets or sets the maximum number of sequential rows to fetch from the metric set.
selectedElementStyle Gets or sets the style applied to map elements when selected.
shapeCollection Gets or sets the list of shapes currently displayed on the map control.
shapeColorRules Gets or sets the list of color rules that will be applied to map shapes.
shapeLabelSettings Gets or sets the label settings applied to map shapes.
shapeSizeRules Gets or sets the list of size rules that will be applied to dynamic symbols on map shapes.
shapeStateStyles Gets or sets the list of shape state styles for this control.
shapeTooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip text for shapes. Tooltip text can contain keywords that will be mapped to string before displaying it.
symbolCollection Gets or sets the list of symbols currently displayed on the map control.
symbolColorRules Gets or sets the list of color rules that will be applied to map symbols.
symbolLabelSettings Gets or sets the label settings applied to map symbols.
symbolLinksShowArrows Gets or sets a value indicating if symbol links should have arrows indicating direction.
symbolSizeRules Gets or sets the list of size rules that will be applied to map symbols.
symbolStateStyles Gets or sets the list of symbol state styles for this control.
symbolTooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip text for symbols. Tooltip text can contain keywords that will be mapped to string before displaying it.
tileMinimumZoom Gets or sets the minimum zoom required before map tiles are drawn.
tilePathOpacity Gets or sets the opacity to apply to the path layer when street level map tiles are displayed.
tileProviderOptions Gets or sets the options for the tile provider.
tileProviderUrl Gets or sets the url for the map tile provider.
tileShapeOpacity Gets or sets the opacity to apply to the shape layer when street level map tiles are displayed.
tileSymbolOpacity Gets or sets the opacity to apply to the symbol layer when street level map tiles are displayed.
transitionDuration Gets or sets the duration of animated transitions of chart elements in milliseconds.
transitionEasing Gets or sets the easing function used for animated transitions of chart elements.
unselectedElementStyle Gets or sets the style applied to map elements that are not selected when other elements are selected.
viewportData Gets or sets the viewport data used to pan and zoom map content.
width Gets the current rendered width of the control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
zoomingPanel Gets or sets the object that represents the zooming panel.


  Name Description
addAzureDomain Adds an additional domain to be recognized as an Azure Maps service URL.
addMapIdRequested Add the ID of a map or diagram resource to the list of requestedMapIds.
alignHorizontallyWith Aligns the content of this control horizontally with the specified control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
alignVerticallyWith Aligns the content of this control vertically with the specified control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
clearHorizontallyAligned Removes all controls from horizontal alignment with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
clearVerticallyAligned Removes all controls from vertical alignment with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
destroy Removes the data control elements from the container. This is called automatically if the container property is changed. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
draw Re-draws the data control immediately if invalidated. This method is normally called automatically when needed. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getHorizontallyAligned Gets an array of controls set to be horizontally aligned with this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
getVerticallyAligned Gets an array of controls set to be vertically aligned with this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
hitTest Determines what data control element is represented at the specified position. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
invalidate Ensures the data control is re-drawn using the current data and settings at the next best time made available by the browser. This method is normally called automatically when needed. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
invalidateSize Notifies the control that its container element size may have changed. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
isAlignedHorizontallyWith Gets a value indicating whether the specified control has been aligned horizontally with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
isAlignedVerticallyWith Gets a value indicating whether the specified control has been aligned vertically with this instance. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
onDOMDetach Called when the DOM element this control will render to is temporarily detached. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
onDOMReattach Called when the DOM element this control will render to is re-attached. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
removeHorizontallyAligned Removes the specified control from the list to be horizontally aligned with this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
removeVerticallyAligned Removes the specified control from the list to be vertically aligned with this control. Inherited from dundas.controls.DataControl.
resetMapTiles Resets and re-applies tile-based mapping based on the current related property settings.
setProjectionType Sets the projection type while preserving the current view.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.