dundas.controls.RepeaterGroupInstance Class

An object representing an occurrence of a RepeaterGroup that is rendered in a report, scorecard, or small multiple.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the RepeaterGroupInstance. Called during construction.


  Name Description
actualIsCollapsedOnColumns Gets the effective value indicating whether this instance does not display its repeating column items.
actualIsCollapsedOnRows Gets the effective value indicating whether this instance does not display its repeating row items.
actualIsHidden Gets the effective value indicating whether this instance is hidden.
actualWrappingLimit Gets the wrapping limit used by the group.
autoWrappingLimit Gets the computed wrapping limit for the group based on available space.
bodyRows Gets or sets the collection of body rows shown, which is composed of the templates to be shown for the row header, body of items on the row, and row footer.
bottomLeftCorner Gets or sets the content shown in the bottom-left corner.
bottomRightCorner Gets or sets the content shown in the bottom-right corner.
canvas Gets the canvas.
canvasAdapter Gets or sets the canvas adapter.
canvasService Gets the canvas service.
columnFooters Gets or sets the collection of column footers shown.
columnGroupingValues Gets or sets the collection of column grouping member values for the items in this group.
columnHeaders Gets or sets the collection of column headers shown.
columnPageSize Gets or sets the number of repeater column tuples requested in each page of data.
columnsLoaded Gets the number of column tuples for which data is available.
columnsRequested Gets the number of requested column tuples.
dataResult Gets or sets the collection of data results for the group's data.
dataRetrievalService Gets the data retrieval service.
footerRows Gets the collection of footer rows shown, which is composed of the templates to be shown for the bottom-left corner, column footers, and bottom-right corner.
group Gets the group that this instance is based on.
groupingValues Gets the grouping hierarchy values that define the repeating context for this group.
headerRows Gets the collection of header rows shown, which is composed of the templates to be shown for the top-left corner, column headers, and top-right corner.
id Gets or sets the unique identifier of the group instance.
isAutoWrapping Gets a value indicating whether this group repeats in a single dimension and automatically determines how many items to show before wrapping.
isCollapsedOnColumns Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance does not display its repeating column items.
isCollapsedOnRows Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance does not display its repeating row items.
isColumnHeaderShownOnNewPages Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group instance's column headers are shown again when the group instance's content continues on a new page.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether the repeater is disposed.
isFooterColumnVisible Gets a value indicating whether the column containing the top-right corner, row footers, and bottom-right corner contains any visible template instances.
isGroupShownOnOnePage Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group instance is shown entirely within the same page, starting on a new page if necessary. This setting has no effect if the group instance is larger than one page.
isHeaderColumnVisible Gets a value indicating whether the column containing the top-left corner, row headers, and bottom-left corner contains any visible template instances.
isHeaderRowVisible Gets a value indicating whether the row containing the top-left corner, column headers, and top-right corner contains any visible template instances.
isHidden Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group instance is hidden.
isPageBreakBetweenItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether each row of the group instance is shown on its own page.
items Gets or sets the item for the specified column and row ordinal. Usage is items[columnOrdinal][rowOrdinal].
noData Gets or sets the content shown when there is no data.
numberOfColumns Gets the total number of columns which the group is arranged in.
numberOfItems Gets the number of items in the group.
numberOfRows Gets the total number of rows which the group is arranged in.
parentGroupInstance Gets the parent repeater group instance for this group.
parentItem Gets the parent repeater item for this group.
repeater Gets or sets the repeater this group belongs to.
rowFooters Gets or sets the collection of row footers shown.
rowGroupingValues Gets or sets the collection of row grouping member values for the items in this group.
rowHeaders Gets or sets the collection of row headers shown.
rowPageSize Gets or sets the number of repeater row tuples requested in each page of data.
rowsLoaded Gets the number of repeater row tuples for which data is available.
rowsRequested Gets the number of requested row tuples.
state Gets the current processing state of the group.
topLeftCorner Gets or sets the content shown in the top-left corner.
topRightCorner Gets or sets the content shown in the top-right corner.
totalColumns Gets the total number of column tuples the group will have data for. If the total is currently unknown, the value will be null.
totalRows Gets the total number of row tuples the group will have data for. If the total is currently unknown, the value will be null.
type Gets the type describing the repeating behavior which this group instance repeats with.
wrappingLimit Gets or sets the number of times to display the body before wrapping. If set to 0 this is automatically determined.


  Name Description
cancelLoadItems Cancels all outstanding load data requests.
dispose Disposes this group instance.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getChildGroupInstances Gets all child group instances contained in groupInstance.
getFilteredDataResult Gets the data result containing only the subset of data that corresponds to item.
getInfo Gets the orientation and state of the group.
getItem Gets the item with the specified columnOrdinal and rowOrdinal.
getItems Gets all items in this group instance.
invalidateData Marks this group data as being invalid and requires loading data.
invalidateLayout Marks the arrangement of this group as invalid and requires a layout pass.
loadItems Loads items for the group, requesting additional data to do so if necessary.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.