dundas.controls.Taskbar Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Creates a taskbar.


  Name Description
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
isRenameDisabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the taskbar has the rename method disabled.
isVisible Gets a value indicating whether the taskbar is currently visible.
uiCache Gets the UI cache table Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.


  Name Description
addCommand Add a command to the taskbar.
attachDockable Attach a minimized dockable to the taskbar.
bind Bind an event to this class object. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
clearCommands Empties the commands container.
clearStatusTimeout If a status is currently displayed, clears the timeout until it is removed.
detachDockable Detach a dockable from this taskbar (but not to popup window).
dispose Performs tasks associated with releasing resources from this object once it is unneeded. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getCommandContainer Retrieve the container where command icons should be inserted.
getContainer Gets the container for the taskbar.
getHeight Retrieves height of the taskbar.
getScaleContainer Retrieve the container where the scale bar should be inserted.
getSnappyDotsContainer Retrieve the middle container.
getStatusContainer Gets the status content container element.
raiseBindEvent Fire the event specified with eventName, or subscribe a handler. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
setStatus Show an element in the taskbar as the current status. This will disappear after some amount of time (5 seconds, by default).
setStatusText Show some text in the taskbar as the current status. This text will disappear after some amount of time (5 seconds, by default).
setStatusTimeout If a status is currently displayed, starts a timeout or replaces any current timeout with a new one as specified.
setTitleText Sets the text within the task bar to the given text.
setTitleTooltip Sets the text of the tooltip on the title within the task bar to the given text.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeDisposed Subscribe to the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Raise an event. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. if handler is specified, unsubscribe that handler. if no parameters are specified, unbind everything. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.
unbindAll unsubscribe all events. Inherited from dundas.EventDisposable.