ViewPanel Constructor

Create a new instance of the viewPanel.



Type: HTMLElement
The target DOM element to attach to the minimized state

Type: Object

     Option object containing the following options:
     canvasObject [Default: null, type: dundas.controls.Canvas] - the canvas object that this viewPanel is previewing for.
     minScale [Default: 50, type: Integer] - the minimum zoom scale in percentage. 
     maxScale [Default: 500, type: Integer] - the maximum zoom scale in percentage.
     popupUrl [Default: 'dashboard/popup', type: String] - the relative URL to open the detached viewPanel with.
     caption  [Default: 'Navigation', type: String] - The title of the viewPanel.
     vision   [Default: {scale:1, top:0, left: 0}, type: Object] - An Object containing the current vision information.
           scale [type: float] - The current scale of the vision. minScale/100 <= scale <= maxScale/100
           top   [type: float] - The current top of the vision, in percentage. 0<=top<=1
           left  [type: float] - The current left of the vision, in percentage. 0<=left<=1
     tooltips [type: Object] - An associative array containing all captions of the tooltips.
           expandButtonTooltip  [Default:'Expand', type:String] - The tooltip caption for the expand button.
           detachButtonToolTip  [Default:'Detach', type:String] - The Tooltip caption for the detach button.