dundas.data.ComponentSetting Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the ComponentSetting. Called during construction.


  Name Description
availableValueTypes Gets or sets the available value types.
changesOutputMetadata Gets or sets whether this setting changes the output metadata.
dataType Gets or sets data type.
defaultValue Gets or sets the default value.
description Gets or sets the description of this descriptor object. Inherited from dundas.data.DescriptorBase.
hasValidValues Gets or sets whether this setting has valid values.
id Gets or sets the ID of this descriptor object. Inherited from dundas.data.DescriptorBase.
isElementSpecific Gets or sets whether this setting is element specific.
isInvertedSelectionSupported Gets or sets whether this setting supports inverted selection.
maximumValue Gets or sets the maximum value for this setting (applies to NumericSetting and DateTimeSetting).
maxLength Gets or sets the max length for this setting (applies only to StringSetting).
minimumValue Gets or sets the minimum value for this setting (applies to NumericSetting and DateTimeSetting).
name Gets or sets the name of this descriptor object. Inherited from dundas.data.DescriptorBase.
nativeParameter Gets or sets the native parameter for this setting (applies to NativeParameterSetting).
validValues Gets or sets the valid values for this parameter. See Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models.ValidValuesDescriptorData for structure.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.