dundas.data.MeasureUsage Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the MeasureUsage. Called during construction.


  Name Description
aggregator Gets or sets the aggregator.
analysisElement Gets or sets the analysis element. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
caption Gets or sets the caption for this element usage. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
columnTotalsCalculationRule Gets the calculation rule that replaces the standard aggregator when used for totals for columns.
derivedParameters Gets or sets the derived parameters, if this measure usage is a derived measure usage.
expression Gets or sets the expression for a calculated measure.
formatInfo Gets or sets the numeric format for the current instance.
id Gets or sets the element ID. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
isDataCorrectionAllowed Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance allows user data correction.
isDisabledForExpandedMembers Gets or sets a flag that disables the computations for expanded hierarchy members if this measure is a calculated measure.
isExcludedFromDataExport Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is exported in non-image exports. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
isHidden Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is hidden. If hidden, the data is still retrieved and used in any computations, but it is not present in the result cellset.
isHierarchy Gets or sets whether this element usage is a hierarchy. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
isMeasure Gets or sets whether this element usage is a measure. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
isNotVisualized Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this usage is visualized by default in new visualizations.
isSorted Gets or sets whether this measure usage is sorted or not.
isTimeHierarchy Gets or sets whether this element usage is a time hierarchy. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
measureKind Gets or sets the underlying measure kind.
missingDataRule Gets or sets the missing data rule.
parameter Gets or sets the parameter this element. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
parentEntityId Gets or sets the parent entity ID, if any. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
placement Gets or sets this element usage placement. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
retrieveUnknownMembers Gets or sets whether to retrieve unknown hierarchy members. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
returnAllParallelPeriodComparisonData Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the comparison data should be returned if this is a parallel period measure.
rowTotalsCalculationRule Gets the calculation rule that replaces the standard aggregator when used for totals for rows.
sortPolicy Gets or sets the sorting. If this is set to null, the server will ignore it and continue to use whatever is there by default. To clear the measure sorting, send a new dundas.data.MeasureSorting() object (with no directions).
sourceElement Gets or sets the element that is the source of the analysis element. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
targetMeasureParameter Gets or sets the target measure parameter, which only applies if this is a dynamic measure.
uniqueName Gets or sets the unique name for this element usage. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.


  Name Description
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getTooltip Creates a string representation of this usage for a tooltip. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
toString Creates a string representation of this analysis element usage. Inherited from dundas.data.AnalysisElementUsage.