dundas.filesystem.FileSystemService Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the FileSystemService. Called during construction. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
eventsManager Inherited from dundas.Service.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
addToMostRecentlyUsed Adds the given file system entry ID to the list of most recently used items.
bind Subscribe a handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
checkEntryExistsById Determines whether a file or folder with the specified ID exists.
checkEntryExistsByName Determines whether a file or folder with the specified name exists in the specified folder.
checkInFileById Checks in the file with the specified ID.
checkInFilesByIds Checks in files with the specified IDs.
checkOutFileById Checks out the file with the specified ID to the caller.
checkOutFilesByIds Checks out files with the specified IDs to the caller.
clearMostRecentlyUsed Clears the list of most recently used items.
copyEntry Copies the file or folder with the specified ID.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createFolder Creates a folder in the application's file system.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
deleteEntriesByIds Deletes the files or folders with the specified IDs.
deleteEntryById Deletes the file or folder with the specified ID.
deleteOldEntityData Deletes data from entities which are not the current revision and were created before the specified date.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose Inherited from dundas.Component.
emptyRecycleBin Empties all the recycled files or folders from the recycle bin.
ensureVisible Ensures that a particular entity is visible to the specified accounts and groups. At least 1 item in either accountIds or groupIds must be specified.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getCheckedOutReferences Gets the checked out references for the given entity.
getEntryById Gets the file or folder by ID.
getEntryByIds Gets the files corresponding to the IDs requested.
getEntryByName Gets the file or folder by name.
getLastModifiedTimeById Gets the file's last modified time for cache comparison.
getMostRecentlyUsed Gets the list of most recently used file system entries.
getRecycleBinFolder Gets the recycle bin folder.
getReferencedBy Gets the files that references the given entity.
getReferencedByRecursive Gets the files that references the given entity recursively (references that refer to the references).
getReferencesTo Gets the references to the given entity.
getReferencesToRecursive Gets the references to the given entity recursively (references to the references).
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
getUnusedEntitiesForProject Gets the unused entities for the given project.
moveEntry Moves the file or folder with the specified ID.
onLoaded Called when the service is loaded. Inherited from dundas.Service.
promoteTransient Promotes the transient file to a real one.
queryEntries Gets the files corresponding to query criteria.
queryNumberOfEntries Gets the number of files corresponding to query criteria.
queryRevisions Gets the file revisions corresponding to query criteria.
renameEntry Renames the file or folder with the specified ID.
restoreAllRecycleBinEntries Restores all the recycled files or folders in the recycle bin.
restoreRecycleBinEntriesByIds Restores the recycled files or folders with the specified IDs.
restoreRecycleBinEntryById Restores the recycled file or folder with the specified ID.
rollbackEntry Rolls the file or folder with the specified ID back to the specified revision number.
searchTags Searches for tags matching the string passed in.
setDescription Sets the description on the given file or folder.
setPrivileges Sets privileges on the given file or folder.
setTags Sets the tags on the given file or folder.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
touchEntryById Updates the last modified time of the entry with the specified ID.
touchEntryByIds Updates the last modified time of multiple entries with the specified IDs.
transferCheckOut Transfers the checked out file to the specified account.
trigger Triggers an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
undoCheckOutFileById Discards the changes to the checked out file with the specified ID, and cancels the check out.
undoCheckOutFilesByIds Discards the changes to the checked out files with the specified IDs, and cancels the check out.