Enumerable.first Method

Returns the first element of the sequence. If "predicate" is provided, returns the first element that satisfies that condition.
Static This method is static.



Type: IEnumerable
The enumerable to return the first element of.

Type: Function - May be null
A function to test each element for a condition, returning true or false.
Optional: True

Return Value

Type: Object - May be null
The first element of the sequence that satisfies the specified condition. 


This example was placed on a button click event. It uses the first method to get the first item with the name of viewParameter1.

// Get the parent view.
var parentView = this.parentView;

// Get the view parameters.
var viewParameters = 

// Using the library, get the view parameter based on it's name
var viewParameter = 
      function (viewParameterItem) { return viewParameterItem.name === "viewParameter1";}