dundas.view.ViewService Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Initializes the ViewService. Called during construction.


  Name Description
eventsManager Inherited from dundas.Service.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.


  Name Description
bind Subscribe a handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
closeAllBars Hides all the UI bars.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose Inherited from dundas.Component.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
navigateToPage Navigates to the requested page with additional optional options.
onLoaded Called when the service is loaded. Inherited from dundas.Service.
openHelpPage Opens a new window which will navigate to the help page.
preloadImage Preload given image url.
preloadImages Preload list of image urls.
showLoadingRestCall Blocks the UI for the duration of the REST API call, and automatically reports an error if it occurs. This call is designed to be used along with the dundas REST API JavaScript methods.
subscribe Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
subscribeOnce Subscribe a one time handler for an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.
trigger Triggers an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.
unbind Unsubscribe an event. Inherited from dundas.Service.