
The available options for the chart control adapter's default chart type, a super-set of ChartType.


The following is an example of how to reference the ChartType object:

	// The full path is required.

  Name Value Description
  AREA dundas.controls.ChartType.AREA Draws a filled area between zero and connecting points along one or more axes.
  BAR dundas.controls.ChartType.BAR Displays bars or columns starting from zero.
  BOX_PLOT dundas.controls.ChartType.BOX_PLOT Displays a box-and-whisker plot for each data point with its elements positioned using the point's measure values.
  BUBBLE dundas.controls.ChartType.BUBBLE Plots circles sized by measure values along one or more axes.
  CALCULATED_BOX_PLOT "CalculatedBoxPlot" Calculates and plots the values for a box-and-whisker diagram to summarize the distribution of the set of data added.
  CANDLESTICK dundas.controls.ChartType.CANDLESTICK Displays bars indicating the direction of open versus close values with wicks ranging from high to low values.
  CURVED_AREA dundas.controls.ChartType.CURVED_AREA Draws a filled area between zero and smooth curves connecting points.
  CURVED_LINE dundas.controls.ChartType.CURVED_LINE Draws smooth curves connecting points.
  CURVED_RANGE dundas.controls.ChartType.CURVED_RANGE Draws a filled area between two smooth curves connecting points.
  HEAT_MAP dundas.controls.ChartType.HEAT_MAP Displays rectangles filling the plotting area that can change color based on values.
  HISTOGRAM "Histogram" Calculates and plots the frequency counts of a set of values within bins as a histogram.
  LINE dundas.controls.ChartType.LINE Draws lines connecting points along one or more axes.
  PARALLEL_COORDINATES "ParallelCoordinates" Draws a series of lines connecting where each measure value falls as a percentage of its total.
  PARETO "Pareto" Sorts data in descending order and adds a cumulative percentage line for easier comparison of the importance of each value.
  PIE dundas.controls.ChartType.PIE Plots points as slices of a pie or donut.
  POINT dundas.controls.ChartType.POINT Plots points or symbols along one or more axes.
  RADAR_AREA "RadarArea" Draws a filled area between zero and connecting points around a circular chart.
  RADAR_LINE "RadarLine" Draws lines connecting points around a circular chart.
  RADAR_POINT "RadarPoint" Plots points or symbols around a circular chart.
  RADAR_RANGE "RadarRange" Draws a filled area between two sets of connecting points around a circular chart.
  RADAR_STACKED_AREA "RadarStackedArea" Draws series of connecting points stacked on top of previous series around a circular chart.
  RANGE dundas.controls.ChartType.RANGE Draws a filled area between two sets of connecting points along one or more axes.
  RANGE_BAR dundas.controls.ChartType.RANGE_BAR Displays series of bars or columns ranging between two values.
  SCATTER_PLOT "ScatterPlot" Plots points or symbols along two numeric axes.
  STACKED_AREA dundas.controls.ChartType.STACKED_AREA Draws series of connecting points stacked on top of previous series, filling areas below and starting from zero.
  STACKED_AREA_100 dundas.controls.ChartType.STACKED_AREA_100 Displays series of connecting points stacked on top of previous series as percentages of their totals, filling areas below and starting from zero.
  STACKED_BAR dundas.controls.ChartType.STACKED_BAR Displays series of stacked bars or columns starting from zero.
  STACKED_BAR_100 dundas.controls.ChartType.STACKED_BAR_100 Displays series of stacked bars or columns as percentages of their totals starting from zero.
  STOCK dundas.controls.ChartType.STOCK Displays bars as lines ranging between high and low values with optional open and close value ticks.
  WATERFALL dundas.controls.ChartType.WATERFALL Displays bars that each begin where the previous ended to show the cumulative total.