(optional) additionalRowsHeader [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Additional text for the ROWS header if the control wishes to provide extra information. isRowsVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the rows section is visible on the panel. rowsIconUrl [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) A URL pointing to the icon image to be shown next to the header for ROWS. rowsTooltipText [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Any tooltip text that should be shown for the header for ROWS. additionalColumnsHeader [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Additional text for the COLUMNS header if the control wishes to provide extra information. isColumnsVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the columns section is visible on the panel. columnsIconUrl [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) A URL pointing to the icon image to be shown next to the header for COLUMNS. columnsTooltipText [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Any tooltip text that should be shown for the header for COLUMNS. isMeasuresVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the measures section is visible on the panel. measuresIconUrl [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) A URL pointing to the icon image to be shown next to the header for MEASURES. measuresTooltipText [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Any tooltip text that should be shown for the header for MEASURES. isSlicersVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the slicers section is visible on the panel. slicersIconUrl [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) A URL pointing to the icon image to be shown next to the header for SLICERS. slicersTooltipText [type: String, optional: true] - (optional) Any tooltip text that should be shown for the header for SLICERS. defaultMetricSetBinding [type: dundas.view.controls.MetricSetBinding] - (optional) The metric set binding that should be shown by default. isContextual [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the databinding panel is fired by a contextual menu. isCloseButtonVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the close button is visible on the panel. isBindingsButtonVisible [type: Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag that tells if the bindings should be accessible. isShowingBindings [Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag indicating whether bindings or metric set elements should be shown. isShowingAdvancedBindings [Boolean, optional: true] - (optional) Flag indicating whether advanced bindings should be shown when showing bindings. lastKnownActiveBindingGroup [type: Number, integer: true, optional: true] - (optional) Index to show the last known active binding group. highlightTargetIds [type: Array, elementType: String, optional: true] - (optional) Binding target IDs to highlight when shown. propertyPathPrefix [type: Array, elementType: dundas.view.controls.PropertyPathItem, optional: true] - (optional) The property path leading up to this adapter instance when contained in another adapter.