dundas.view.controls.RepeaterTemplateCell Class


Inheritance Hierarchy



  Name Description
init Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.


  Name Description
background Gets or sets the background.
baseViewService Gets the base view service. This might be a dundas.views.BaseViewViewService or derivation thereof if this adapter is on a View entity. A way to check is to duck-type for .currentView. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
bodyBackgroundPalette Gets or sets body background palette.
bodyBackgroundPaletteType Gets or sets body background palette type.
cellGroup Gets or sets the cell group Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
cellGroupId Gets or sets the cell group Id. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
column The column ordinal of this cell in the template grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
columnSeparatorLines Gets or sets column separator lines.
columnSpan The column span of this cell in the template grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
containedAdapterFriendlyName Gets or sets the contained adapter friendly name, assuming there is at least 1. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
container Gets or sets the container DIV element which holds the DOM control element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
expandedWidthHeight Gets or sets the value to indicate the expanded height or width Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
friendlyName Gets or sets the friendly name for this adapter which is the name shown to the end user. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
hasAttached Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
height Gets or sets height. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
hidePageHeaderAndFooterFromViewHeader Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page header and footer will be hidden in the report header.
id Gets or sets the ID for this adapter (constant, unique). Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
isActuallyVisible Gets the value to indicate if this cell is visible Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
isAdhoc Gets or sets the value to indicate the ad hoc mode is enabled. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
isCellGroupHeader Gets or sets a flag indicating whether or not the cellgroup of this template cell is a header or not. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
isDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance has been disposed. Inherited from dundas.Component.
isHeaderRow Gets the value to make this template cell always span the container's width in responsive view mode. If this cell is in the header template, then this cell is a header row. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
isHidden Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not the cell is hidden.
isHiddenIfEmpty Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not the cell is to be hidden if its empty.
isInTemplate Gets or sets if this adapter is part of a canvas template. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
isPageBreakAfter Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not there is a page break after this cell.
isPageBreakBefore Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not there is a page break before this cell.
isPageForEachItem Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not there is a page break for each item.
isPageNumberingResetAfter Gets or sets a value to indicate whether or not there page numbering is reset.
isResponsive Gets or sets the value to indicate flowing is enabled. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
isSimplePropertyPanelOpen Gets a value indicating whether the simple property panel is open or not. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
isSticky Gets or sets the value to make this template cell stick to the top (or left) of the view port so that it is always visible even if it is scrolled out of. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
layerId Gets or sets the ID of the layer that this adapter belongs to. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
left Gets or sets the left value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
locked Gets or sets a value indicating whether this adapter is locked. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
name Gets or sets the name for this adapter to be used in script. This name may change, but must be unique. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
order Gets or sets the value to indicate the order of this cell Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
pageColumn Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
pageColumnSpan Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
pageRow Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
pageRowSpan Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
row The row ordinal of this cell in the template grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
rowSeparatorLines Gets or sets row separator lines.
rowSpan The row span of this cell in the template grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
site Gets or sets the site that this component is a part of. Inherited from dundas.Component.
templateInstance Gets the template instance this template cell belongs to.
top Gets or sets the top value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
uniqueId Gets or sets the unique ID of this component within the site. Inherited from dundas.Component.
watermark Gets the watermark of this template cell.
width Gets or sets the width value. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.


  Name Description
attach Attaches the container of this adapter to the target element. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
createDelegate Helper for creating delegate functions. Inherited from dundas.Component.
createTimeout Creates a timeout. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispatch Dispatches a call by creating a delegate and running it right away on a timer. Inherited from dundas.Component.
dispose Inherited from dundas.Component.
fromJObject Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance. Inherited from Class.
fromJSON Hydrate this instance with a JSON. Inherited from Class.
getBackgroundAbsoluteBound Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
getBoundVisuals Gets the available bound visuals for a given metric set binding. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getContainedAdapters Get adapters of this template cell. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
getContext Gets the context from the adapter based on the given information. This context can be used to provide contextual toolbar and property grid experiences. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getContextualCommands Gets the contextual toolbar commands. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getControlProperties Called to get the object with the list of properties on the root control, or any sub-element of the control. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
getService Gets the requested service. Inherited from dundas.Component.
getSupportedSettings Gets the settings for the supported operations of this adapter. Implementers of this function should call this._super() first to get the default settings. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
hideLoadingIndicator Hide the loading indicator on the template cell.
hideSimplePropertyPanel Hides the simple property panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onDOMDetach Called when the adapter is reattached to the DOM. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onDOMReattach Called when the adapter is reattached to the DOM. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onLoaded Called when the adapter is loaded and set up. The control should be set up by the adapter now and added to the container element. Implementers of this method must call this._super() at the end if they want actions and events to be automatically set up. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
onPropertyChanged Called when a property is changed on the adapter. This will not be called during a bulk change, as those properties are set via direct sets to avoid this event firing. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
refreshPropertyGridWithContext Refresh property grid, if necessary, while keeping the last known context and state of the property grid. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
showLoadingIndicator Show the loading indicator on the template cell.
showSimplePropertyPanel Shows the simple properties panel. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
subscribeDisposedEvent Subscribe a handler for the disposed event. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
suppressNextPropertyChangedEvent Prevents property changed event to be fired next time a property is set. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
tempDetach Temporarily detaches the container of the adapter off the DOM, all events are retained. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.BasicAdapter.
toggleCollapse Toggle the template cell between its collapsed and expanded state. Inherited from dundas.view.controls.TemplateCell.
toJSON Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's prototype property values when stringified. Inherited from Class.