EmbeddedViewService.createAdhocDashboard Method

Creates an ad hoc dashboard in the given DOM element. Each embed method can only be called once. If another item is to be embedded, create a new embed service (and optionally dispose of this one) and use it to embed the new item.



Type: Object

     isToolbarHidden                     [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the toolbar will not be shown.

     isToolbarAddMetricSetHidden         [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the toolbar item for adding a metric set to the ad hoc dashboard is not shown.
     isToolbarAddDashboardHidden         [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the toolbar item for adding an existing dashboard to the ad hoc dashboard is not shown.
     isToolbarAddReportHidden            [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the toolbar item for adding an existing report to the ad hoc dashboard is not shown.

     isDockablesHidden                   [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the dockables will not be shown.

     isOpenExistingHidden                [type: Boolean, optional: true]     - (optional) If specified, the open existing ad hoc dashboard shown when empty will not be shown.

     defaultProjectId                    [type: String, optional: true]      - (optional) By default, the file dialogs will show the user's project for opening and saving.
                                                                                 If a different project is desired to save and open ad hoc dashboards, it can be specified.

     defaultViewId                       [type: String, optional: true]      - (optional) By default, no adhoc dashboard is displayed and the user must begin creating one, or click on
                                                                                 the button to open an existing one. If this ID is specified instead, the adhoc dashboard specified will
                                                                                 be loaded for the user to begin working with.
                                                                                 Note: The given view must already be checked out to the user and ready for edit.

Optional: True

Return Value

Type: jQuery.Promise
A promise object that is resolved when the call is complete.