RepeaterViewService.firstLoadDataResultStats Property

Gets a value which holds the stats and warnings from the first data load results for each data adapter (first metric set binding only). See for more information on the contents of measurements, dataStamp and warnings. Getting this array returns a copy to avoid mutation.

Property Value

Type: Array
    Element Type: Object

 An array of objects with the following structure:
     adapterId               [type: String]                          - The ID of the adapter.
     adapterFriendlyName     [type: String]                          - The friendly name of the adapter for easy display purposes.
     measurements            [type: Array, dundas.KeyValuePair]      - (optional) The measurements from the data result.
     dataStamp               [type: Object]                          - The data stamp from the data result.
     warnings                [type: Array, Object]                   - The warnings from the data result.