SmallMultipleCanvasService.createAdapterReplacementCommand Method

Create a command to replace (insert replacer, then remove replacee) an existing adapter with another adapter.



Type: Adapter
Adapter to be replaced.

Type: Adapter
Adapter to replace with.

Type: Boolean - May be null
(Optional) True to make this command not undoable.

Type: Object - May be null
(Optional) Options: 
     isAsync [type:"Boolean", default:"false"] - (Optional) True to make the command async.
     promise [type: "jQuery.Promise", maybeNull: "true"] - (Optional) The promise object to tell the async command to resolve or reject.
     afterInsertLogic [type:"Function", maybeNull: "true"] - (Optional) Logic to execute after inserting the replacer.
     afterRemoveLogic [type:"Function", maybeNull: "true"] - (Optional) Logic to execute after removing the replacee.
     removeFirst [type:"Boolean", mayBeNull: "true", default: false] -  (Optional) First perform removal of the replacee, then insert replacer
     isUndo           [type: "Boolean" default: "false"]  - True to designate this command as a result of an undo action.
     isRedo           [type: "Boolean" default: "false"]  - True to designate this command as a result of a redo action.

Return Value

Type: Command
The command created.