IFileSystemServiceCopyEntry Method (EntryCopyOptions)

Creates a copy of a file system entry.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
IDictionary<Guid, Guid> CopyEntry(
	EntryCopyOptions options


Type: Dundas.BI.FileSystemEntryCopyOptions
An object containing the parameters for the copy operation.

Return Value

Type: IDictionaryGuid, Guid
A dictionary containing the mapping between original IDs and the IDs of the corresponding copies.
ArgumentNullExceptionoptions is .
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionNewName is longer than MaxNameLength.
NotFoundExceptionThe source or target entries were not found.
DuplicateItemException An entry with the specified name already exists in the target and both Overwrite and AutoGenerateName are .

Copying entries of the type corresponding to the source entry into entries of the type corresponding to the target entry is not supported (error code 2200).


The original entry is being copied as a subentry of an item which is not checked out to the caller.


The original entry is being copied to itself.


Recycled entries cannot be copied.


The caller does not have the Read permission on one or more of the entries being copied.


The caller does not have permission to create items in the specified target entry.


Overwrite is , an entry with the same name already exists in the specified target, and the caller does not have the Delete privilege on the entry which needs to be overwritten (and/or one of its children).

InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
If the specified entry is transient and a subentry, and the copy is not a subentry, the copy will not be transient.
See Also