IFileSystemServiceDeleteOldEntityData Method

Deletes data for entities which are not the current revision and were created before the specified date.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
ICollection<IdRevisionPair> DeleteOldEntityData(
	DateTime? beforeDate,
	ICollection<Guid> specificEntityIds,
	ICollection<Guid?> specificTenantIds


Type: SystemNullableDateTime
The threshold date, or if no date restriction should be used.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionGuid
A list of specific entity IDs to be processed. If , all entities will be processed.
Type: System.Collections.GenericICollectionNullableGuid
A list of tenant IDs; only entities corresponding to the specified tenants will be processed. If all tenants will be processed.

Return Value

Type: ICollectionIdRevisionPair
A list of ID/revision pairs representing the revisions which were deleted.
ArgumentExceptionbeforeDate does not have a specified DateTimeKind.
NoPrivilegeExceptionThe caller does not have system administration privileges.
InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.

If an entity is inactive, and meets all other criteria, the entire entity will be deleted, rather than just individual revisions. This is indicated in the result by a value of -1 in the revision property.

A revision of an entity will be selected for deletion by this method if all of the following are true: 1) The revision is not the current (latest) revision of the entity; 2) The revision does not represent the "checked out" version of the entity; 3) The revision was created before the specified date.

See Also