IFileSystemServicePromoteTransient Method

Promotes a transient entry to a real one.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
void PromoteTransient(
	Guid transientId,
	string name,
	Guid parentId,
	bool overwrite


Type: SystemGuid
The ID of the transient entry to promote.
Type: SystemString
The new name of the object.
Type: SystemGuid
The ID of the folder where the entry should reside.
Type: SystemBoolean
A value indicating whether existing entries should be overwritten.

transientId is Empty.


parentId is Empty.


name is , empty, only consists of whitespace, or contains invalid characters.

NotFoundExceptionAt least one of transientId and parentId represents an entry which does not exist.
DuplicateItemExceptionAn entry with the specified name already exists in the specified parent.
NoPrivilegeException One of the following is true:
  • The caller does not have Read permission on the specified transient entry.
  • The caller does not have permission to create items in the specified parent entry.
  • The caller's seat kind is not PowerUser or better.
  • overwrite is , an entry with the same name as name already exists in the specified parent, and the caller does not have the Delete privilege on the entry which needs to be overwritten.
InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
See Also