Dundas.BI.Entities Namespace

Public classEntityBase
Base class for application entities.
Public classEntityCopyOptions
Specifies options that affect how entities are copied.
Public classEntityCreationOptions
Specifies options for creating entities.
Public classEntityGetOptions
Class represents various flags and context-specific options affecting how entity is retrieved.
Public classEntityLoadException
The exception that is thrown when the entity cannot load correctly, due to missing dependencies or other internal issues.
Public classEntityNotCheckedInException
The exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted on an entity that should be checked in.
Public classEntitySaveOptions
Represents entity save options.
Public classInvalidProviderValueException
The exception that is thrown when the validation of provider values fails.
Public classNotAutoGeneratedException
The exception that is thrown when the user is trying to execute an operation that is valid only for auto generated entity objects.
Public classRewiringContext
A data structure which contains the required information to perform a rewiring operation.
Public classRewiringException
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during a rewiring operation.
Public classUndoContext
Represents the context of the actions that may require undo or redo.
Public classUndoFrame
Represents an undo frame.
Public structureEntityInfo
Represents basic information about an entity.
Public interfaceIEntityServiceT
This interface is designed to support the application infrastructure and is not intended to be used by your code.
Public enumerationPersistencePolicy
Specifies the persistence/transience options for entity generation methods.