Dundas.BI.Utility.Map Namespace

Public classEsriImportException
Exception for ESRI importing issues.
Public classLayerConfigurationInfo
A class that represent information on how the current layer is organize for the map.
Public classLayerConfigurationInfoCollection
A collection of layer configuration.
Public classMapCenterPosition
A class representing a center point and zoom level for a map.
Public classMapDataInfoSvg
An SVG representation of map data.
Public classMapElementConfigurationInfo
A class that contains information of the map and the layer it belongs to.
Public classMapElementConfigurationInfoCollection
A collection of MapElementConfigurationInfo.
Public classMapResourceConfiguration
A class that represent the structure on how the map that has been saved have been organized. This include a collection of layer, and a collection of map element.
Public classSvgDiagramImportException
Exception for XAML Diagram importing issues.
Public classViewportData
A class that represent the current location of the viewport and the distance is covering.
Public classXamlDiagramImportException
Exception for XAML Diagram importing issues.
Public structurePathInfoSvg
An SVG representation of a path.
Public structureShapeInfoSvg
An SVG representation of a shape.
Public structureSymbolInfoSvg
An SVG representation of a symbol.
Public interfaceICoordinateSystemConverter
Converts coordinates between two reference systems represented in Well-Known Text format.
Public interfaceIMapService
Methods for performing map related actions.
Public enumerationMapProjectionType
Specifies a kind of map projection.