Dundas.BI.WebApi Namespace

Public classApplicationUriHelper
Contains helper methods for getting application-specific URIs.
Public classCleanException
A clean exception doesn't have a stack trace.
Public classCorsPolicyProvider
Implementation for CORS handling.
Public classExceptionHelper
A class to help with processing exceptions.
Public classGenericExceptionFilterAttribute
Our filter for ensuring no exceptions ever go out without proper formatting to the client from a REST call.
Public classHttpRequestExtensions
Extension methods for HttpRequest objects.
Public classKeyValuePairData
A key value pair to make JSON objects nicer for IDictionary properties.
Public classKeyValuesPairData
A key values pair to make JSON objects nicer for IDictionary properties (where values are multiple).
Public classNumberJsonConverter
Converts a JSON decimal value to Number.
Public classPairT1, T2
Represents a pair of items. This should be used with caution, as setting item1 and item2 is not nice from JSON.
Public classWebApiConfig
Configuration class for Web API (default routing).
Public classWebApiConstants
Constants pertaining to the Web API.
Public classWebCallerContextService
Implementation of ICallerContextService for ASP.NET web sites.