FederatedAuthenticationProvider Class

Represents a federated authentication provider.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices.Extensibility
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class FederatedAuthenticationProvider

The FederatedAuthenticationProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountAutoCreationMode
Gets the mode for automatic account creation for the provider.
Public propertyAccountAutoCreationSeatMode
Gets the account automatic creation seat mode for the provider.
Public propertyAccountNameClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the account name. The default value is NameIdentifier.
Public propertyAccountNamePrefix
Gets an optional prefix to use when determining the account name. If specified, the prefix will be prepended to whatever account name is extracted from the claims. The default value is inherited from the protocol.
Public propertyAllowMissingTenantClaim
Gets a value indicating whether the application will allow authentication when there is a tenant name or ID mapping, but no corresponding claim was returned with that information.
Public propertyCaption
Gets the user-friendly caption for the provider.
Public propertyCultureNameClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the name of the culture associated with the subject. The default value is Locality.
Public propertyCustomAttributeClaimTypeMapping
Gets the custom attribute claim type mapping.
Public propertyData
Gets a dictionary of arbitrary data associated with the provider.
Public propertyDisplayNameClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the subject's display name. The default value is Name.
Public propertyEmailAddressClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the subject's email address. The default value is Email.
Public propertyEnableFederatedLogout
Gets a value indicating whether the application should attempt to sign out of the identity provider when signing out of the application.
Public propertyGroupIdClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the ID of any groups to which the subject belongs. The default value is .
Public propertyGroupNameClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the name of any groups to which the subject belongs. The default value is Role.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the provider.
Public propertyProperties
Gets a dictionary containing protocol-specific property values.
Public propertyProtocolId
Gets the ID of the federated authentication protocol used by the provider.
Public propertyShowOnLogOnScreen
Gets a value indicating to a user interface whether a button for the provider should be displayed on the logon screen.
Public propertyTenantIdClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the ID of the tenant to associate with new, auto-created accounts. The default value is .
Public propertyTenantNameClaimType
Gets the claim type corresponding to the name of the tenant to associate with new, auto-created accounts. The default value is .
Public fieldStatic memberGlobalDefaultClaimTypes
Specifies the default claim types to use when extracting information from the identity provider's response.
See Also