GroupData Class

Used to pass data between the application and an IGroupsProvider.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices.Extensibility
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class GroupData : MembershipBaseObjectData

The GroupData type exposes the following members.

Public methodGroupData
Initializes a new instance of the GroupData class.
Public propertyAllowedIPAddresses
Gets or sets the allowed IP addresses.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyCreatedTime
Gets or sets the value corresponding to CreatedTime.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyCultureName
Gets or sets the value corresponding to Culture.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyCustomAttributes
Gets the value corresponding to CustomAttributes.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyDataDiscoveryId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to DataDiscoveryId.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyDeniedApplicationPrivilegeIds
Gets the value corresponding to DeniedApplicationPrivilegeIds.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the value corresponding to Description.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyExternalId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to ExternalId.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyGrantedApplicationPrivilegeIds
Gets the value corresponding to GrantedApplicationPrivilegeIds.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyGroupKind
Gets or sets the value corresponding to GroupKind.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to Id.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the value corresponding to Name.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyProjectId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to ProjectId.
Public propertySeatKind
Gets or sets the value corresponding to SeatKind.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertySingleTenantId
Gets the single (or null) tenant ID associated with the account or group.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyTenantId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to TenantId.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyTenantIds
Gets or sets the value corresponding to TenantIds.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Public propertyTimeZoneId
Gets or sets the value corresponding to TimeZone.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Protected methodGetSchema
This method is here for implementing IXmlSerializable. But this is reserved and should not be used.
(Inherited from MembershipBaseObjectData.)
Protected methodReadXmlData
Generates group data from its XML representation.
(Overrides MembershipBaseObjectDataReadXmlData(XmlReader).)
Protected methodWriteXmlData
Converts this group data into its XML representation.
(Overrides MembershipBaseObjectDataWriteXmlData(XmlWriter).)
See Also