IAccountsProvider Interface

Provides services for managing Dundas.Dashboard accounts.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices.Extensibility
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IAccountsProvider : IMemberProvider<AccountData, AccountQueryField, AccountQueryFilterRule>

The IAccountsProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteRecord
Deletes a record specified by its ID.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodExportRecord
Export an account from the underlying storage mechanism.
Public methodGetAllRecords
Gets all records.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodGetById
Retrieves a list of records having the specified IDs.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodGetByName
Retrieves an account specified by its name.
Public methodImportRecord
Imports a record to the underlying storage mechanism.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodPopulateLocalLogOnContext
Populates a LocalLogOnContext, used by subsequent steps in the logon sequence. See remarks.
Public methodQuery
Queries for records.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodQueryCount
Queries for the number of records matching a filter criteria.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodResetFailedLogOnInfo
Resets any information about failed logon attempts for the specified account.
Public methodSaveRecord
Saves a record.
(Inherited from IMemberProviderTRecord, TFieldEnum, TFilterRule.)
Public methodSetLocalUserAccountNewPassword
Updates a local user account's password.
Public methodUpdateLogOnFailureInfo Obsolete.
Updates the log on failure information.
Public methodUpdateLogOnTimestampAndCount Obsolete.
Updates the logon timestamp and logon count of a LocalUserAccount or a WindowsUserAccount.
Public methodValidateLocalUserLogOnCredentials
Validates local user account logon credentials.
See Also