Tenant Class

Represents a tenant in a multi-tenant installation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices.MultiTenancy
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class Tenant

The Tenant type exposes the following members.

Public methodTenant
Initializes a new instance of the Tenant class.
Public propertyAccountNamePattern
Gets or sets the account name pattern.
Public propertyAdministratorsGroupId
Gets the ID of the group whose members have administrative privileges for the tenant.
Public propertyCreatedTime
Gets the UTC time the tenant was created.
Public propertyDataConnectorPropertyOverrides
Gets a dictionary containing tenant-specific overrides for data connector properties.
Public propertyExpiryDate
Gets or sets the date when the tenant expires.
Public propertyExternalApplicationUriOverride
Gets or sets an optional tenant-specific override value for the external application URI.
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of the tenant.
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tenant is enabled.
Public propertyLicenseSeatAllocation
Gets an object specifying the allocation of license seats to the tenant.
Public propertyMembersGroupId
Gets the ID of the group whose members are members of the tenant.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the tenant.
Public propertyQuotas
Gets a dictionary containing quotas for the tenant.
Public propertyTimeDimensionPropertyOverrides
Gets a dictionary containing tenant-specific overrides for time dimension properties.
Public propertyWarehouseOverrides
Gets the tenant-specific warehouse connection string overrides.
Public propertyWarnings
Gets a list of warnings associated with the instance.
Public methodRemoveWarehouseOverride
Removes the warehouse override for the specified scope and scope target.
Public methodSetWarehouseOverride
Sets the warehouse override for the specified scope and scope target.
See Also