DataProviderInfo Class

Data provider information.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.DataProviders
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class DataProviderInfo

The DataProviderInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDescription
Gets the data provider description.
Public propertyHasCustomConfigurationUI
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider is using a custom configuration UI.
Public propertyId
Gets the data provider ID.
Public propertyIsGatewaySupported
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports Dundas BI Gateway.
Public propertyIsTabularProvider
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider is a tabular provider which may require a manual structure.
Public propertyName
Gets the data provider name.
Public propertyPropertyDescriptors
Gets the data provider specific property descriptors.
Public propertyStructureDescriptors
Gets the data provider specific descriptors for tabular structure settings.
Public propertySupportsManualQuery
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports manual queries.
Public propertySupportsSessionSchemas
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports setting session schemas.
Public propertySupportsTopOneElementDiscovery
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports top one element discovery behaviour.
Public methodEnumerateCustom
Enumerates the provider-specific values.
Public methodEnumerateDatabases
Enumerates the available databases.
Public methodEnumerateServers
Enumerates the available database servers.
Public methodGetCustomConfigurationUI
Gets the custom configuration UI based on the requested content type.
Public methodGetStructureCustomConfigurationUI
Gets the custom configuration UI based on the requested content type for the structure.
See Also