ITimeHierarchyMember Interface

Interface for a time hierarchy member.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ITimeHierarchyMember : IFormattableHierarchyMember, 
	IHierarchyMember, IUniqueName, IHierarchyMemberContainer, IDateTimeContainer

The ITimeHierarchyMember type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaption
Gets the member caption.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyCompatibleUniqueName
Gets the compatible unique name. This property allows grouping together compatible hierarchy members across multiple IAnalysisStructures.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyHasProperties
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance has any user-defined properties.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyHierarchy
Gets the parent hierarchy.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMemberContainer.)
Public propertyLevel
Gets the parent level.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyMemberKind
Gets a value indicating the member type.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyMemberNumber
Gets the member numeric value, when the parent hierarchy is a numeric hierarchy.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyMemberTime
Gets the member time value, when appropriate. This value is only used for alignment in visualization controls and not for filtering.
(Inherited from IDateTimeContainer.)
Public propertyParentMember
Gets the parent member.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyParentMemberUniqueName
Gets the parent member unique name.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyProperties
Gets the child members non-standard properties.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyShortCaption
Gets the short caption.
(Inherited from IFormattableHierarchyMember.)
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets the object unique name.
(Inherited from IUniqueName.)
Public propertyUpperBoundaryTime
Gets the upper boundary DateTime value, corresponding the next virtual member. It is a virtual member as the hierarchy may not it included in its definition.
Public propertyUpperMemberNumber
Gets the member upper numeric value, when the parent hierarchy is a numeric hierarchy.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
Public methodAddInterval
Returns the member on the same level shifted by the specified time interval.
Public methodGetFormattedCaption
Gets the caption with the specified format.
(Inherited from IFormattableHierarchyMember.)
Public methodGetMembers
Gets all the members for the current instance.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMemberContainer.)
Public methodGetMembers(MemberRetrievalOptions)
Gets the members for the current instance.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMemberContainer.)
Public methodGetMembers(MemberRetrievalOptions, ICollectionMemberValue)
Gets the members for the current instance.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMemberContainer.)
Public methodHasProperty
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance has the specified property populated.
(Inherited from IHierarchyMember.)
See Also