IRelationshipService Interface

Relationship manager service.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Relationships
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IRelationshipService

The IRelationshipService type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteRelationship(Guid, Guid, Guid)
Deletes the specified relationship between the specified primary structure ID and the specified referenced structure ID, irrespective of the checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationship(IStructure, IStructure, Guid)
Deletes the relationships between the specified primary structure and the specified referenced structure ID, using the current checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(Guid)
Deletes the relationships for the specified structure ID, irrespective of the checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(IStructure)
Deletes the relationships for the specified data structure, using its current checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(Guid, Guid)
Deletes the relationships between the specified primary structure ID and the specified referenced structure ID, irrespective of the checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(IStructure, IStructure)
Deletes the relationships between the specified primary structure and the specified referenced structure ID, using the current checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(IStructure, RelationshipCategory)
Deletes the relationships for the specified structure, using the specified category and the current checked out status.
Public methodDeleteRelationships(IStructure, IStructure, RelationshipCategory)
Deletes the relationships between the primary data structure and the specified referenced structure, using the specified category and the current checked out status.
Public methodGetDirectionalRelationships
Gets the relationships between the specified primary structure and the specified referenced structure.
Public methodGetJoinRelationship(Guid, Guid)
Gets the relationship to be used for a join operation. If no relationships are defined, a new one is generated.
Public methodGetJoinRelationship(Transform, Transform)
Gets the relationship key elements to be used for a join operation.
Public methodGetJoinRelationship(IStructure, IStructure, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Gets the relationship to be used for a join operation. If there are no relationships defined, it generates one.
Public methodGetRelationships(Guid, Boolean)
Gets all the relationships where the specified structure is either the primary structure or the referenced one.
Public methodGetRelationships(Guid, Guid)
Gets the relationships between the two specified structures.
Public methodGetRelationships(Guid, Int64)
Gets all the relationships where the specified structure is either the primary structure or the referenced one. For primary structure relationships retrieved according to the provided revision.
Public methodGetStructureElements
Gets the data structure elements to be used in generating relationship keys.
Public methodUpdateRelationship(Relationship)
Updates the relationship definition and preserve all other stored definitions, irrespective of the check in status of the primary structure.
Public methodUpdateRelationship(Guid, String, String, Guid, Guid, IEnumerableRelationshipKey)
Updates the relationship definition, irrespective of the check in status of the primary structure.
Public methodUpdateRelationships
Updates the relationship definitions, and preserves all other stored definitions.
See Also