DataBuffer Class

Class used for buffering transform input or output data in a tabular format. This data can be used by the ScriptProcessor to perform computations for connector elements based on ConnectorElementExpression. For successful and correct computations, the necessary data must be buffered within prior to calling the appropriate methods. For simple script computations, only the current set of records must be buffered. For scripts relying on offset values, a group of records equal to the maximum offset value must be buffered. For scripts relying on aggregators or plug-in functions, all the records must be buffered. Loading data and moving the current record are independent operation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Transforms
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class DataBuffer

The DataBuffer type exposes the following members.

Public methodDataBuffer(InputConnector, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the DataBuffer class and prepares buffers for the specified input only.
Public methodDataBuffer(Transform, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the DataBuffer class and prepares buffers for all inputs, as well as for the output data.
Public propertyCapacity
Gets the buffer capacity.
Public propertyTotalReadRecords
Gets the total number of records read up to the query moment.
Public methodGetElementAggregatedValue
Gets the aggregated value for the specified element. The aggregator setting must be setup before the buffer is used to store data.
Public methodGetElementValue(ConnectorElement, Boolean)
Gets the value for the specified connector element.
Public methodGetElementValue(ConnectorElement, Int32, Boolean)
Gets the value for the specified connector element.
Public methodMoveToNextRecord
Moves the cursor to the next available record in the buffer.
Public methodMoveToRecord
Moves to record to the specified index.
Public methodReadAndAppendAllRecords
Reads and appends all the data records into the internal buffers.
Public methodReadAndAppendRecord
Reads and appends the data records into the internal buffers.
Public methodReadAndAppendRecords
Reads and appends the data records into the internal buffers.
Public methodSetElementValue
Sets the element value in the internal buffer.
See Also