IDateMappingService Interface

Service to create, update, read, delete DateMapping objects.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.DateMappings
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IDateMappingService : IEntityService<DateMapping>

The IDateMappingService type exposes the following members.

Public methodGenerateDateMapping(Guid, IOlapCube, String)
Generates a new DateMapping object.
Public methodGenerateDateMapping(Guid, IOlapCube, String, IListString)
Generates a new DateMapping object.
Public methodGenerateDateMapping(Guid, IOlapCube, String, DateTime)
Generates a new DateMapping object.
Public methodGenerateDateMapping(Guid, IOlapCube, String, IListString, DateTime)
Generates a new DateMapping object.
Public methodGet(Guid)
Gets an entity by its ID.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGetDateMappings
Gets the collection of DateMapping objects defined in native structure with the specified ID.
Public methodGetMemberInfoCollection
Updates DateMapping object with member info collection from the database.
Public methodGetUndoContext
Gets the undo context.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodPreviewMemberCollection
Previews the member collection.
Public methodRestoreUndoFrame
Restores the entity to the undo frame.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodRewire
Rewires the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(T)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(DateMapping, IOlapCube)
Saves the specified date mapping.
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, EntityCreationOptions)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, Boolean)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSaveMemberInfoCollection
Saves the member info collection used in date mapping.
Public methodTryRedo
Tries to redo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodTryUndo
Tries to undo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
See Also