HierarchyUsage Class

Class that encapsulates the query details associated with a hierarchy.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.MetricSets
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class HierarchyUsage : AnalysisElementUsage

The HierarchyUsage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysisElement
Gets the parent IAnalysisElement.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyCaption
Gets or sets the usage element caption.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyHierarchy
Gets the underlying hierarchy.
Public propertyIsAxisHierarchy
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an axis hierarchy.
Public propertyIsExcludedFromDataExport
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is exported in non-image exports.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyIsHierarchy
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a hierarchy.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyIsMeasure
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a measure.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyIsTimeHierarchy
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a time hierarchy.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyIsUnknownMemberCaptionBlank
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the unknown member caption is blank or not.
Public propertyLevelParameter
Gets the associated hierarchy level parameter for a column or row hierarchy.
Public propertyMetricSet
Gets the parent entity.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyParameter
Gets the associated data parameter.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyPlacement
Gets the element placement.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyRetrieveAllMemberOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all of this hierarchy's values should be collapsed into a single All Member when displayed.
Public propertyRetrieveUnknownMembers
Gets or sets a value indicating whether unknown members should be retrieved or not.
(Inherited from AnalysisElementUsage.)
Public propertyShownTotals
Gets or sets how the totals are displayed for the current instance.
Public propertySortPolicy
Gets the sorting behavior for the hierarchy.
Public propertyTargetHierarchyParameter
Gets the associated dynamic hierarchy parameter, when the underlying hierarchy is a dynamic hierarchy.
Public propertyTimeHierarchy
Gets the time hierarchy, if the base analysis element is a time hierarchy. Otherwise the property returns .
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets the unique name of the underlying analysis element.
(Overrides AnalysisElementUsageUniqueName.)
Public propertyUnknownMemberCaption
Gets or sets the override for the unknown member caption.
See Also