DataInputAction Class

Represents a data input action.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.Views
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class DataInputAction : ActionBase

The DataInputAction type exposes the following members.

Public methodDataInputAction
Initializes a new instance of the DataInputAction class.
Public propertyActionType
Gets the action type.
(Overrides ActionBaseActionType.)
Public propertyClearDataInputSources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data input sources should be cleared, if possible, after doing the data input.
Public propertyDataCubeId
Gets or sets the data cube ID.
Public propertyFriendlyName
Gets or sets the friendly name.
(Inherited from ActionBase.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the ID.
(Inherited from ActionBase.)
Public propertyInputMappings
Gets the input mappings where the ID is the unique name of the column to set, and the value is the ID of the adapter or view parameter to use to set it.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name.
(Inherited from ActionBase.)
Public propertyRefreshAdapterIds
Gets the refresh adapter IDs.
Public propertyTransformId
Gets or sets the data input transform ID.
See Also