ReportGroup Class

Represents a group in a report model.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.Views
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class ReportGroup

The ReportGroup type exposes the following members.

Public methodReportGroup
Initializes a new instance of the ReportGroup class.
Public propertyBodyBackgroundPalette
Gets the collection of brushes to apply in sequence as the background for each item.
Public propertyBodyTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the group's repeating items.
Public propertyDescendantGroups
Gets all descendant groups of this group in depth-first traversal order.
Public propertyDescendantGroupsAndSelf
Gets this group and all descendant groups of this group in depth-first traversal order.
Public propertyFooterTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the footer displayed after the group's repeating items.
Public propertyGroupingElements
Gets the collection of elements that are used for grouping.
Public propertyGroupingHierarchies Obsolete.
Gets the hierarchies used for grouping.
Public propertyGroups
Gets the collection of child groups.
Public propertyHeaderTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the header displayed before the group's repeating items.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the unique identifier for the group.
Public propertyIsCollapsed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this group is initially shown in its collapsed state.
Public propertyIsWrapped
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items are wrapped if the maximum width is exceeded. This applicable when the orientation is horizontal.
Public propertyMaximumWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width a row can be before items are wrapped. A row will always show a minimum of 1 item.
Public propertyMetricSetBinding
Gets or sets the binding.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the orientation of the items.
Public propertyParentGroup
Gets or sets the parent group.
Public propertyParentGroups
Gets all the parent groups of this group in top-down order.
Public propertyParentGroupsAndSelf
Gets this group and all the parent groups of this group in top-down order.
Public propertySeparatorLines
Gets the collection of separator lines to draw.
See Also