SmallMultipleGroup Class

Represents a group in a small multiple model.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.Views
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class SmallMultipleGroup

The SmallMultipleGroup type exposes the following members.

Public methodSmallMultipleGroup
Initializes a new instance of the SmallMultipleGroup class.
Public propertyBodyTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the group's repeating items.
Public propertyColumnFooterTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the footer displayed after each column.
Public propertyColumnGroupingHierarchies
Gets the collection of grouping hierarchies that define how column items are generated for this group.
Public propertyColumnHeaderTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the header displayed before the column.
Public propertyGroupingElements
Gets the collection of elements that are used for grouping.
Public propertyIsWrapped
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items are wrapped if the maximum width is exceeded. This applicable when repeating only on columns.
Public propertyMaximumWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width a row can be before items are wrapped. A row will always show a minimum of 1 item.
Public propertyRowFooterTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the footer displayed after each row.
Public propertyRowGroupingHierarchies
Gets the list of grouping hierarchies that define how row items are generated for this group.
Public propertyRowHeaderTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the header displayed before each row.
See Also