DeleteFailureReason Enumeration

Specifies possible results of a delete operation corresponding to an individual item.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.FileSystem
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum DeleteFailureReason
  Member nameValueDescription
None-1 The operation was successful.
UnknownFailure0 The operation failed for an unknown reason.
Aborted1 No attempt was made to delete the item due to other failures.
NotFound2 The item could not be deleted because it does not exist.
AccessDenied3 The item could not be deleted because the caller does not have the necessary privileges.
InvalidOperation4The item could not be deleted because it does not support the Delete operation.
FolderNotEmpty5 The folder could not be deleted because it is not empty, and AllowNonEmpty was not specified.
CheckedOutToAnotherUser6 The item could not be deleted because it is checked-out by someone else.
Referenced7 The item could not be deleted because it is referenced by one or more other entries, and AllowReferenced was not specified.
Protected8 The item could not be deleted because it is an integral part of the application and is protected from deletion.
See Also