ILicenseService Interface

Provides an interface for managing application licenses.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Licensing
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ILicenseService

The ILicenseService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllLicenses
Gets all installed licenses.
Public propertyInstalledLicenses
Gets the installed licenses.
Public propertyLicense2
Gets the generation-2 license.
Public propertyWatermarkText
Gets the effective watermark text imposed by the active licenses.
Public methodCanCreateAccount
Determines whether an account using the specified seat kind can be created.
Public methodCheckForUpdatedLicenses
Checks for updated licenses.
Public methodGetDataFromLicenseServer
Gets data from the license server corresponding to the specified key.
Public methodGetLicenseSeatUsage
Gets an object describing how licensed seats are currently being used by the system.
Public methodGetLicenseSeatUsage(NullableGuid)
Gets the licensed seat usage for the specified tenant.
Public methodInstallLicense
Installs a license.
Public methodIsFeatureEnabled
Determines whether the feature with the specified ID is enabled by the currently installed (and valid) licenses.
Public methodRefreshLicenses
Refreshes the list of licenses from the application database.
Public methodRemoveLicense
Removes a license.
See Also