LicenseSeatElement Class

Represents a license element which specifies a seat allowance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Licensing
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class LicenseSeatElement : LicenseElement

The LicenseSeatElement type exposes the following members.

Public methodLicenseSeatElement
Initializes a new instance of the LicenseSeatElement class
Public propertyBaseSeatCount
Gets the number of regular seats provided by the element.
Public propertyElasticHourCount
Gets the number of elastic seat-hours allowed per calendar quarter.
Public propertyElasticSeatCount
Gets the number of additional seats (above the base count) which may be used as elastic seats.
Public propertyId
Gets the element ID.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
Public propertyIsExpired
Gets a value indicating whether the element is expired.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
Public propertyKind
Gets the kind of element.
(Overrides LicenseElementKind.)
Public propertyNotes
Gets arbitrary notes associated with the element.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
Public propertyOrderIds
Gets the Dundas sales order IDs associated with the element.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
Public propertySeatKind
Gets the kind of seat to which this element corresponds.
Public propertyValidFrom
Gets the date from which the element is valid.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
Public propertyValidUntil
Gets the date until which the element is valid.
(Inherited from LicenseElement.)
See Also