We did it!!! We released over 100 videos for Off The Charts (with Jeff). There is a ton of content available and a bit of everything to meet a variety of audiences. Anyone from a novice Business Intelligence user to a veteran Reports and Dashboard writer should be able to find something of use. All of this content is focused on learning (not marketing) so that you can improve your understanding of Dundas BI and BI Software landscape in general. Let's take a look at some of the major categories to help you see just what's here for you to use. Enjoy.
About the Author
Jeff Hainsworth is a Senior Solutions Architect at Dundas Data Visualization with over a decade and a half of experience in Business Intelligence. He has a passion for building, coding and everything visual – you know, shiny things! Check out "Off the Charts... with Jeff", his platform for great content on all things analytics, data visualizations, dashboards, and business intelligence. There’s something for everyone!