 | bind |
Bind an event to this class object.
 | dispose |
Performs tasks associated with releasing resources from this object once it is unneeded.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | raiseBindEvent |
Fire the event specified with eventName, or subscribe a handler.
 | subscribe |
Subscribe or unsubscribe an event handler for an event.
 | subscribeDisposed |
Subscribe to the disposed event.
 | subscribeOnce |
Subscribe a one time event handler for an event.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | trigger |
Raise an event.
 | unbind |
Unsubscribe an event. if handler is specified, unsubscribe that handler.
if no parameters are specified, unbind everything.
 | unbindAll |
unsubscribe all events.