A simple open hash table. Buckets store a collection of entries for handling hash collisions
which are searched sequentially. As entries are added to the hash table, it will automatically
resize to accommodate more entries. Both keys and values are permitted to be null in the hash table.
 | clear |
Removes all elements from the hash table.
 | containsKey |
Determines if key is stored in the hash table.
 | entries |
Returns the key/value pairs contained in the hash table.
 | fromJObject |
Applies the property values from a plain object created from JSON to the properties of this instance.
Inherited from Class. |
 | get |
Gets the value that was stored in the hash table with key.
 | keys |
Returns the keys contained in the hash table.
 | put |
Stores a key/value pair in the hash table.
 | putMany |
Stores a collection of key/value pairs in the hash table.
 | remove |
Removes a key/value pair from the hash table.
 | removeMany |
Removes a collection of key/value pairs from the hash table.
 | toJSON |
Implementation for toJSON to return an object that will include this class's
prototype property values when stringified.
Inherited from Class. |
 | values |
Returns the values contained in the hash table.