 | accountExpiryDate |
Gets or sets the date and time at which the account will expire.
 | accountType |
Gets or sets the name of the account.
 | activeTenantId |
Gets the active tenant ID for the account.
 | allowedIPAddresses |
Gets or sets the allowed IP addresses.
The value is a comma-separated list containing any combination of IP addresses and/or IP address ranges.
An IP address range may be specified using CIDR notation (e.g. or as two addresses separated by a hyphen (e.g.
 | canChangePassword |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account holder is permitted
to change their password.
 | createdTime |
Gets or sets the UTC time the account was created.
 | cultureName |
Gets or sets the name of the culture associated with the account.
 | customAttributes |
Gets or sets the account's explicitly assigned custom attributes.
 | deniedApplicationPrivilegeIds |
Gets or sets the IDs of standard privileges denied to the account.
 | description |
Gets or sets a description that may be associated with the account.
 | displayName |
Gets or sets the display name of the account holder.
 | emailAddress |
Gets or sets the account's email address.
 | federatedAuthenticationProviderIds |
Gets or sets the list of federated authentication provider.
Null indicated all providers, and [] indicates no providers.
 | grantedApplicationPrivilegeIds |
Gets or sets the IDs of standard privileges granted to the account.
 | id |
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the account.
 | isAccountExpired |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account has expired.
 | isApiAccount |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account is an API account.
 | isEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account is enabled for use.
 | isGlobal |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account is a global account.
 | isLocked |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account is locked.
 | isPasswordExpired |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account's password
has expired.
 | isSeatReserved |
Gets or sets a Boolean indicating whether the seat for this account is reserved.
 | lastLogOnIpAddress |
Gets or sets the last log on IP address for the account.
 | lastLogOnTime |
Gets or sets the UTC time the account last logged on.
 | logOnCount |
Gets or sets the number of times this account has logged on.
 | name |
Gets or sets the name of the account.
 | password |
Gets or sets the password. This is only used for the client to transmit a new password
to the server.
 | passwordExpiryDate |
Gets or sets the date and time at which the account's password will expire.
 | passwordLastSetDate |
Gets or sets the date/time at which the account's password was last changed.
 | passwordNeverExpires |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the account's password should never expire.
 | seatKind |
Gets or sets the kind of seat this account is in.
 | sessionTimeout |
Gets or sets the explicit session idle timeout for the account.
This property is represented as a string that a server TimeSpan can parse (hh:mm:ss).
 | tenantId |
OBSOLETE. Use tenantIds instead.
Gets or sets the ID of the tenant associated with the account/group.
 | tenantIds |
Gets a collection containing the IDs of the tenant(s) associated with the account/group.
 | timeZone |
Gets or sets the ID of the time zone associated with the account.
 | trackLogOnHistory |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable logon history tracking for the account.
 | warnings |
Gets or sets the list of warnings associated with creating a Windows Account/Group Account.
[] indicates no warnings.