 | accountNamePattern |
Gets or sets the account name pattern.
 | administratorsGroupId |
Gets or sets the ID of the group whose members have administrative privileges for the tenant.
 | createdTime |
Gets or sets the UTC time the tenant was created.
 | dataConnectorPropertyOverrides |
Gets or sets the data connector property overrides.
 | expiryDate |
Gets or sets the date when the tenant expires, or null if it never expires.
 | externalApplicationUriOverride |
Gets or sets the external application URI override.
 | id |
Gets or sets the unique identifier of the tenant.
 | isEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tenant is enabled.
 | licenseSeatAllocation |
Gets or sets an object specifying the allocation of license seats to the tenant.
 | membersGroupId |
Gets or sets the ID of the group whose members are members of the tenant.
 | name |
Gets or sets the name of the tenant.
 | quotas |
Gets or sets the quotas associated with the tenant.
 | timeDimensionPropertyOverrides |
Gets or sets the time dimension property overrides.
 | warnings |
Gets or sets the list of warnings associated with creating/deleting a tenant.
[] indicates no warnings.