A binding rule that maps a range of data values into multiple size values.
The rule can divide the overall input range into a number of classes using an automatic
distribution function.
 | classes |
Gets the current set of data binding classes for this rule.
Inherited from dundas.controls.BindingRule.
 | dataRange |
Gets or sets the range of data values this rule applies to.
 | distribution |
Gets or sets the type of distribution to use.
 | from |
Gets or sets the size value that corresponds to the beginning of the data range.
 | isDisplayedInLegend |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this rule is displayed in the legend.
Inherited from dundas.controls.BindingRule.
 | legendCategory |
Gets or sets the category within which to group legend items displaying this binding rule's classes.
Inherited from dundas.controls.BindingRule.
 | legendText |
Gets or sets text that includes placeholder keywords used to display the ranges of values generated by this rule.
 | middle |
Gets or sets an optional size value that corresponds to the middle of the data range.
 | middleValue |
Gets or sets an optional data value to be associated with the middle color.
 | numberOfClasses |
Gets or sets the requested number of classes to create with the distribution function.
Required when dundas.controls.AutoSizeRule.distribution is not CONTINUOUS.
 | to |
Gets or sets the size value that corresponds to the end of the data range.